“… They Should Never Had Said Yes …” 100WC T3W10

Who was ‘they’? What did they say yes to? What was the offer? What did this all mean? I had found this mysterious note at my front door at 3:00am in the morning. I stared at it curiously, looking perplexed. I knew it had something to do with me and my last break-in mystery. You see, I’m a spy. I work for Bad Bananaz (yes, with a z) Supermarket A.K.A. Secret Spy Agency. I am their top spy, so sure the note was meant for me. Then I saw the rest of the sheet, but I still was attracted to the sentence “… They Never Shoud Have Said Yes …”

100WC Week 9

Ouch! My head hurts! Ewwww! What’s this straw thingy? It looks like…… hay? Wait a minute! Wait a second! I’m in a hay roll! Aaahhhhh! Okay. Calm down. I can sort this out, right? Okay. Let’s roll to the left a bit, then the right, and then…… oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! I’m rolling down a hill, and now I’m…… in water? What is going on? What am I doing in a lake, and most importantly, what has happened to my miserable life? Once I’m out farming, and the next thing I know, I’m in a hay roll in the water!